As a financial and business institution that regulates and perhaps runs this country, you would expect banks to have better hours. My local bank is open 9am to 4pm weekdays (though it is open to 5pm on friday) and closed on weekends. Despite the fact that many businesses are open for much longer hours and so they have staggered shifts, if/when people work a standard 9 to 5 work day, they will not be able to go to the bank unless they go during work.
Additional Note:
It is a good thing that I don’t trust my bank. I was holding off on posting this because I was giving Huntington Banks the benefit of the doubt, but they have dropped the ball. I deposited a check (from me to myself–my credit union account to my Huntington Banks account) on monday. On the receipt that I was given for the deposit, it stated that the posting date would be today (Tuesday). I assumed that the transaction would be posted at opening hours, but decided to check on it via my internet access to the account to be sure. It was not posted this morning, this afternoon, or this evening. They did not, in fact, run the transaction today. Now ordinarily, this might not bother me, except that they gave me a posting date for when it would be posted. Had I relied on their word, I might have made an electronic purchase/transfer (i.e. debit or Visa checkcard) and there would not have been sufficient money in my account. And who would they hold responsible? Who would be charged ~$30 for trying to overdraw an account (which would not even be overdrawn if the bank had actually done what it had said that it would do)? I would have.
I find it reprehensible that banks would fail to meet their own deadlines and not have to be held responsible. If I fail to provide money once I have committed to providing it, the bank charges me ~$30. It seems to me, that it should only be fair that the bank pay me ~$30 for their failure to provide the money when they committed to providing it.
I like Huntington Bank over in Suncrest because its drive throughs stay open till 7.
Yeah, my bank closes at 3 everyday except Friday, when it closes at 5. They are open on Saturday till noon though.
omg, thank you for that tidbit of info! that will be helpful in the future!
I have both hunington bank and the credit union in fairmont…. Since having both I dont use huningont anymore. They nickle and dime you for every thing and I find that credit unions have better fees overall than major chains of banks.